Stardust ruft Terra Nr. 69 – Im Halbraum lauert der Tod – Kurt Mahr

Auf verzweifelter Suche irrt der Perry Rhodan Reread Podcast Stardust ruft Terra durch Raum und Zeit, auf der Suche nach der Welt der Unsterblichkeit. „Im Halbraum lauert der Tod“ von Kurt Mahr beendet die Suche nach der Kunstwelt Wanderer. Doch das geht natürlich nicht ohne Probleme und lebensbedrohliche Lebenslagen von Statten. Wie sich die Terraner aus diesem Dilemma befreien, hört ihr in dieser Folge des Podcasts. 

Ich erwähne im Podcast eine Mail von Markus, der eine Chat KI mit Informationen zu Perry Rhodan Heften gefüttert hat. Das kam dabei heraus:

„Zwischenspiel auf Siliko V“ is a science fiction novel by Kurt Brand. Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I do not have the ability to read books, but I can provide you with a brief summary of the novel based on the available information.

The novel is set in a distant future where humans have colonized other planets. Siliko is one such planet, and it is the location where the story takes place. Siliko is a planet with a highly intelligent, but non-humanoid, race of creatures. These creatures are called the Silikonen.

The story revolves around the character of Max Winter, who is a human scientist studying the Silikonen. Max has been living on Siliko for several years and has developed a close relationship with the Silikonen. However, one day, Max discovers that the Silikonen are in danger due to a deadly virus that is spreading rapidly among them.

Max teams up with a group of humans and Silikonen to find a cure for the virus and save the Silikonen race. However, they soon discover that the virus was deliberately released by a group of humans who want to exploit Siliko’s resources for their own gain.

The rest of the novel follows Max and his allies as they try to stop the humans from carrying out their nefarious plans and save the Silikonen. Along the way, they face many challenges and obstacles, but they ultimately succeed in their mission.

Overall, „Zwischenspiel auf Siliko“ is a thrilling science fiction novel that explores themes of inter-species relationships, ethics, and environmentalism.

„Die Dritte Macht“ („The Third Power“) is the first novel in the „Perry Rhodan“ series, written by K.H. Scheer and published in 1961. The novel sets the stage for the series and introduces many of the major characters and concepts. The following is a brief summary of the story:

The novel begins in the year 1971 when a manned spaceship, the Stardust, is sent on a mission to the moon. While on the moon, the crew discovers a crashed alien spaceship and an alien artifact known as a „hypercrystal.“ The hypercrystal is found to have remarkable properties and is able to provide enormous amounts of energy.

The Stardust crew brings the hypercrystal back to Earth and is greeted with skepticism by the scientific community. However, one man, Perry Rhodan, sees the potential of the hypercrystal and convinces the crew to keep the discovery secret.

Rhodan sets up a secret research project and uses the hypercrystal to build an enormous spaceship, the Stardust II. Rhodan and his team take the Stardust II on a mission to the Vega star system, where they discover an advanced alien race known as the Arkonides. […]

„Tifflor der Partisan“ is the 30th installment in the series, written by Kurt Mahr.

The story follows the adventures of Perry Rhodan, a human astronaut who, along with his crew, is stranded on the moon in the year 1971. In this installment, Rhodan and his team are investigating a mysterious spaceship that has crash-landed on the moon. They discover that the ship is from the planet Arkon, a highly advanced civilization that is at war with another alien race known as the Druufs.

Rhodan and his team are contacted by Tifflor, a member of the Arkonide resistance who has defected from the Arkon Empire. Tifflor seeks Rhodan’s help in their struggle against the Arkonide government, which is ruled by a despotic Emperor. Tifflor believes that Rhodan can help them by providing them with advanced technology and knowledge of Earth’s history.

Rhodan agrees to help, and he and his team travel to the planet Arkon, where they join forces with the resistance. They engage in a series of battles with the Arkonide military and ultimately succeed in overthrowing the Emperor and establishing a new government that is more democratic and just.

Throughout the story, there are also romantic subplots involving Rhodan and several female characters, as well as elements of space travel and exploration, political intrigue, and futuristic technology. Overall, „Tifflor der Partisan“ is a fast-paced and action-packed science fiction adventure that explores themes of war, government, and resistance.

„Die Attentäter“ („The Assassins“) is a novel in the „Perry Rhodan“ science fiction series, written by Kurt Mahr and published in 1964. The following is a brief summary of the story:

The novel begins with a mysterious attack on Perry Rhodan’s spaceship, the Stardust III, which is on a mission to explore a distant star system. The attack leaves the ship crippled and Rhodan and his crew stranded on a nearby planet.

Rhodan and his team soon discover that the planet is inhabited by a race of beings known as the „Molto.“ The Molto are a primitive and violent race that have been conquered and enslaved by a more advanced alien race, the „Emperors.“ […]

Overall, „Die Attentäter“ is an action-packed adventure story that explores themes of rebellion, freedom, and the struggle against tyranny. It is a classic of the „Perry Rhodan“ series and has been enjoyed by science fiction fans around the world.

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Kleine Korrektur: Ich habe die KI nicht gebeten, mir aufgrund einiger Stichworte eine nette Story zuusammenzubauen, sondern sie sollte mir jeweils eine Inhaltsangebe zu Heft XY erstellen. Das klappt, wie ich mittlerweile herausgefunden habe, auch sehr gut auf Deutsch: Auf die konkrete Frage „Was passiert in Perry Rhodan Nr. 69 – Im Halbraum lauert der Tod von Kurt Mahr?“ erlügt ChatGPT sich z.B. schamlos eine Geschichte über Perrys gefahrenvolle aber erfolgreiche Suche nach der SOL im Halbraum, einer Art Zwischenraum zwischen den Dimensionen, wo die Terraner auf die Maahks treffen und Perry schwer verwundet wird. 🙂

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